Melanoma is a type of skin cancer caused by Ultraviolet (UV) light and develops from pigment producing cells called melanocytes. They are commonly found on areas exposed to the sun and most commonly found on the legs and back. Roughly 25% of melanomas originate from existing moles. Indications usually are increases in size, asymmetry, increased texture, variations in color and ulceration.
Preventing melanomas is use of sun screen during exposure to the sun and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun. Early identification is key to treatment as the 5 year survival rate after metastasis is 25%.
- Early identification includes ABCDEF
- Asymmetry
- Borders (irregular)
- Color (variation in collar)
- Diameter (greater than 6 mm)
- Evolving
Although our feet are typically not exposed to the sun (except when wearing sandals), melanomas can be found in the feet. It is important to screen your entire body for melanomas for identification and early treatment.
Here are two cases identified in a 30 days period at Elizabeth Foot and Ankle and were immediately referred to surgical-oncology.