Toe Nail Fungus
Toe Nail Fungus also known as Onychomycosis defined as a fungal infection of the toenails that causes discoloration, thickening, and separation from the nail bed with the fungal debris growing under the nail. Fungal nails can results from many different types of fungi that live in the environment. These fungi can penetrate the nail and surrounding tissue causing the nails to become thick, brittle, and discolored. Onychomycosis occurs in 10% of the general population but is more common in older patients. The risk of onychomycosis is higher in people with diabetes, Peripheral vascular disease or immune compromised individuals compared with the general population.
Onychomycosis affects toenails more often than fingernails due to the nails of the feet growing slower, reduced blood supply, and most of the time feet are subject to dark, moist environments. Other risk factors include nail trauma, genetic predisposition, increased foot sweating.
Treatment for Onychomycosis includes topical antifungal solutions, oral medication, and laser treatment.
Topical antifungal solutions are the least effective modality to combat onychomycosis, it is more effective to use in conjunction with the other modalities.
Oral antifungal Medications are effective treatments for onychomycosis. These drugs help a new nail grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected part. However it may affect the patients’ liver. Blood work would have to be taken to evaluate liver enzymes once on one of these medications.
The most effective treatment is Laser therapy. At Elizabeth Foot & Ankle, we are happy to offer laser nail therapy as a treatment for fungal nails using our state of the art technology, Pinpoint laser. It is a painless, one time procedure with 85% success rate, especially when using our post treatment kit (antifungal solution, antifungal shoe spray, and antifungal cream.)
Most of our patient’s start to see results 4-6 months after the treatment. Some patients even elect to have a second procedure to ensure full resolution.